Saturday, December 20, 2008

Travelling to the Homeland

Back online again after a little time off. That's one of the downsides of creating an online presence - you need to keep up with it. I was reminded of that fact by several friends so I'm finally back at it. We are travelling back to our home state of Wisconsin for the holidays. Almost all of our immediate families live there so it will be a good time reconnecting and celebrating this great time of the year.

We are on the road as we speak hoping to stay ahead of the big snow storm heading to that area tonight. They already have a good amount of snow on the ground from storms the past couple of days so that should be fun. You have to love technology - working online while my son takes the first shift of driving. We normally travel in our RV which is a very comfortable and enjoyable way to see the country. This trip we decided to take the Suburban so there are 7 of us in close proximity for the next 17 hours or so. We've travelled back and forth to Wisconsin numerous times over the past 25 years so we pretty much have the routine down. We've been spoiled the last 4 years with the RV so this should be an interesting exercise in family togetherness and unity.

Signing off near McAlester, OK.

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